MacConkey Agar with (C.V) in Pakistan

Product Name MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl w/ 0.5% Sodium Taurocholate, Granulated
Customized Product Available No


This medium is used for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting the swarming of Proteus species. It is a modification of the original formulation with the exclusion of crystal violet and inclusion of sodium taurocholate instead of bile salts. Gram-negative bacteria usually grow well on the medium and are differentiated by their ability to ferment lactose. Lactose fermenting strains grow as red or pink and may be surrounded by a zone of acid precipitated bile. The red colour is due to production of acid from lactose, absorption of neutral red and a subsequent colour change of the dye when the pH of medium falls below 6.8. Lactose non-fermenting strains, such as Shigella and Salmonella are colorless and transparent and typically do not alter appearance of the medium.


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